Small Business Owner Special:
Advertise your business providing pet-related products for just $50. The price includes (1) 8.5” x 11.5” page in full color.
Advertise your kennel in style with 2 affordable options:· 4” x 4” Business card for $40/year
· 3.5” x 2” Business card for $22/year
Design costs are not included in this promotion but can be provided for a fee if needed. Email us for details.
Advertise your club specialty to a worldwide audience with 2 affordable options:· Announcement $30
o This includes (1) 8.5” x 11” full color page in (1) issue of the magazine.
· Announcement + Results $50
o This includes (1) 8.5” x 11” full color page with the specialty announcement in (1) issue, (1) 8.5” x 11” full color page with the specialty results and photos of winners in the magazine published immediately after the specialty show. The club is responsible for providing the results and photos.
Rescue Organizations:
Qualified Yorkie rescue organizations may advertise for free in this magazine. We will provide a 4” x 4” business card type ad and will run in every issue. Design costs are not included but can be provided for a reduced fee if needed. Please email us for more specific details.